  • Reports
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The Reports tab contains all the reports of ADAudit Plus and EventLog Analyzer. This will help you easily view all the AD and network auditing reports without navigating to the individual components.

Note: Make sure you have integrated and enabled both ADAudit Plus and EventLog Analyzer or at least one of them with Log360. Click here to learn how to integrate products with Log360.

Viewing the reports

  1. Log in to Log360 as an admin or a technician.
  2. Note: Only users who log in as admins through Log360 authentication can view reports from both the products.

    Only domain users who are assigned with technician roles in ADAudit Plus and EventLog Analyzer can view reports of their respective products.

  3. Navigate to the Reports tab to view the reports.

Configuring the reports

You can enable or disable certain reports from being displayed under the Reports tab. To choose the reports to be displayed, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Reports tab.
  2. Click on Configure Reports.
  3. First select the reports to be displayed. You can choose to view reports from either ADAudit Plus or EventLog Analyzer or also both.
  4. Now select the categories of reports that you want and the individual reports under each category.
  5. Click Save.

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